Hi, this account is hacked! Renew the password immediately! You might not know me me and you really are probably wanting to know why you are getting this electronic message, proper? I’m ahacker who exploitedyour emailand digital devicestwo months ago. Never try to communicate with me or seek for me, it is definitely not possible, because I sent you an email from YOUR own hacked account. I have installed special program to the adult vids (porn) site and suppose you have spent time on this website to have a good time (you know what I really mean). Whilst you were taking a look at films, your browser began to act like a RDP (Remote Control) with a keylogger which provided me authority to access your screen and network camera. Next step, my applicationgotall data. You typed passcodes on the online resources you visited, and I intercepted all of them. Needless to say, it’s possible to modify them, or have already modified them. But it really doesn’t matter, my spyware updates needed data regularly. What I have done? I generated a backup of the device. Of each file and personal contacts. I have managed to create dual-screen videofile. The 1st section reveals the clip you had been watching (you’ve got a very good taste, huh…), and the 2nd part reveals the tape from your webcam. What do you have to do? Well, I believe, 1000 USD is basically a realistic amount of money for this little riddle. You will make your payment by bitcoins (if you don’t understand this, go searching “how to purchase bitcoin” in any search engine). My bitcoin wallet address: 163qcNngcPxk7njkBGU3GGtxdhi74ycqzk (It is cAsE sensitive, so just copy and paste it). Warning: You have only 48 hours to send the payment. (I put an unique pixel in this message, and at this moment I understand that you have read through this email). To trackthe reading of a letterand the actionsinside it, I usea Facebook pixel. Thanks to them. (The stuff thatis appliedfor the authorities might actually helpus.)
If I do not get bitcoins, I shall immediately send your videofile to each of your contacts, along with relatives, co-workers, etc?